Phone: +7 (495) 645-29-15, fax: 645-29-16


On all matters related to the purchase and delivery of equipment, please contact:

+7 495 654-29-15

ELGAZ-K(®) - deep well anode ground bed package (in prefabricated coke package) TU 3435-006-57060080-2013.


Figure 2. Basic design of ELGAZ-K® ground packages

1. Copper or steel current lead.
2. Current reference and working envelope of electrically conductive elastomer.
3. Coke shell.
4. Case of carbon material coated with a conductive elastomer.

Brand of ground electrode

Normative and technical documentation

Ground electrode diameter, mm

Construction length, m

Graded density of anodic current, A/m


ТУ 3435-006-57060080-2013

80,0 +4,0

≤ 200


Форма заказа

* - Поля обязательные для заполнения

Форма заказа

* - Поля обязательные для заполнения

Форма заказа опросного листа

* - Поля обязательные для заполнения

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