Phone: +7 (495) 645-29-15, fax: 645-29-16

Cathodic protection stations (CPS)

Cathodic protection stations (CPS) are devices consisting of a DC power source (or an AC to DC inverter), monitoring and control devices, and connecting cables.

KSS type cathode stations are the most widely used network type for protecting main pipelines against soil corrosion, converting AC current from power mains to DC current with regulated voltage. These stations are intended for power supply of 50 Hz single-phase current at 110, 127 and 220 volts. AC is converted to DC using semiconductor rectifiers with preliminary voltage reduced by a transformer. Voltage is regulated with a rheostat. And the KSS type stations have devices for coarse and fine adjustments.

KSS type stations were specially developed by the All-Union Scientific Research Institute to protect main pipelines during the construction (VNIIST). They are more efficient and easier to operate install and maintain compared to other rectifying devices.

Currently, KSS-1, KSS-2, KSS-3, KSS-150, KSS-300.

KSS-600, and KSS-1200 type cathode stations are in operation. The latter have unified blocks of rectifier bridges made with selenium, germanium and silicon elements.

For more detailed information please contact one of our representatives.

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