Phone: +7 (495) 645-29-15, fax: 645-29-16


Sacrificial protection is a type of cathodic protection. When using sacrificial protection, the metal having a more electronegative potential is connected to the protected object. Thus the protector is destroyed, not the structure. Over time, the protector becomes corroded and must be replaced with a new one.

Sacrificial protection is effective in cases when there is little contact resistance between the protection and the environment.

Each protector has its radius of protective action, which is determined by the maximum possible distance that can be removed without a loss of the protective effect of the protector. Sacrificial protection is utilized most, when it is impossible or difficult and expensive to bring a power transmission line to the structure.

For more detailed information please contact one of our representatives.

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Форма заказа опросного листа

* - Поля обязательные для заполнения

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